The author thinks the following rules should be considered about the punishment of crimes of vocational negligence: first, in common circumstances, crimes of vocational negligence should be punished more severely than crimes of ordinary negligence; 关于业务过失犯罪处罚的正确观点应当是:第一,在通常情况下,对业务过失犯罪的处罚应当重于普通过失犯罪;
The main difference between vocational negligence and ordinary negligence lies in the violation of different kinds of attentive obligation. 业务过失与普通过失的主要区别在于违反的注意义务种类不同。
How to punish business negligence crime and ordinary negligence crime, national legislation has not been consistent, and in theory, there are also differences. 在造成同样危害结果的情况下,对业务过失犯罪应当如何处罚,亦即业务过失犯罪与普通过失犯罪的刑事责任孰轻孰重,各国立法不尽一致,理论上也存在分歧。
If failing to assume the duty of care by ordinary people, the co-drinkers shall be held for the careless and inadvertent negligence in the subjective aspect. 未尽到通常人应有的注意义务,就应当认定共饮人主观上存有疏忽大意的过失。
Theoretically, negligence has been specified into three categories: gross negligence, ordinary negligence and slight negligence. 在理论上,过失被分为重大过失、一般过失与轻微过失。
For different types of crime means that the contact, including ordinary crime, conspiracy common principal offence, one-sided accomplices, criminal negligence in the common meaning of the contact should also be identified from the legal theory and judicial practice two aspects to be identified. 对于不同类型共同犯罪意思联络的认定包括普通共同犯罪、共谋共同正犯、片面共犯、过失共同犯罪中意思联络的认定也应当从法学理论及司法实践两个方面来加以认定。